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“Alsiflex garments are super comfortable. Light, breathable, and made from true stretch fabric.
On top of that it is ecologic by nature, making it the right choice for the planet as well.”

“Working with Alsico is choosing for a wide and varied range of quality workwear with a good life span & industrial launderable.
Alsico distinguishes itself from the competition by its prompt reaction time, short lead times and innovating power.”

OCMW Brussel

“Alsico helps us realizing important objectives of the City of Ghent: socially responsible, environmentally friendly, high-quality work wear; with a circular end-of-life solution.”

Nákupčí - Stad Gent

“I wear Alsiflex trousers every day because they are very comfortable.  
I can squat easily without any discomfort, specifically without hindrance at the back of my knees. The fabric is flexible and light, whilst being durable.”

“The great thing about my Alsiflex pants is that I don’t need to change clothes when going from my operational heavy-duty work to a staff meeting. They look like casual chinos but are rugged as workwear. They give me comfort and make me look good.”

Správce objektu - Arcelor Mittal

“Alsiflex is a great product to work with. It makes us happy when we can offer it and our customers are perhaps even happier when they purchase it. The biggest gain, rightly so, lies with the wearers and, of course, planet Earth. “

“We love to work with Alsico. Alsico is a reliable partner and professional expert. The introduction of the innovative Alsiflex only confirmed this feeling and makes us even more enthusiastic.”

CEO - Kattenburg-Weenink

’It’s all about making the right choices for Our People and Our Planet - Introducing sustainable clothing has not only helped us evolve as an organisation but also ensures our colleagues look good, feel great and can move freely and know we have made good ethical choices that will really make a difference’

Andrew Yeaman - Procurement Director - DHL